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All about our projects

The latest news about our different actions in France as well as internationally

July 2013 – Paris and Turin

Corps de Ville // The Héliotropion company is invited to the La Piattaforma festival in…

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June 2013 – Paris, Turin, Krakow

Corps de Ville // The first part of the 2013 project ends ... After several…

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May 2013 – Paris et Turin

Corps de Ville // the Héliotropion company works in Paris, in the Goutte d'Or and…

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April 2013 – Paris and Turin

Corps de Ville // The project is being developed in Paris in several partner locations:…

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Paris – March 2013

Corps de Ville // In Paris, a call for applications for young artists is launched…

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Krakow – February 2013

Corps de Ville // Soon the next appointment! From the 26th to the 28th of…

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Corps de ville

Turin – beginning of 2013

Corps de Ville // A project that materializes The Fondazione Teatro Nuovo in Turin, the…

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Corps de ville

Paris – beginning of 2013

Corps de Ville // A project under development After a period of diagnosis, the company…

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Krakow – December 2012

Corps de Ville // A report was made on the first actions taken at the…

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