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All about our projects

The latest news about our different actions in France as well as internationally

Entrez dans la danse

In # Situ // festival Entrez dans la danse Paris 12e After completing a first…

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In # situ – Paris / Porto

In # Situ // Paris / Porto Après Cagliari la compagnie travaille depuis plusieurs mois…

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In # Situ – Paris 2017

In # Situ - Paris 2017 // Call for application After a first phase, developed…

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From Nov 24 to Dec 4 – Cagliari

In # Situ & In # Visible // Teater T.OFF - Officina delle Arti Sceniche…

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October 18 to 27 – Cagliari

In # Situ // T.OFF / Teatro Tersicorea Paris // Porto // Cagliari Laureat at…

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Label Paris Europe 2016

Label Paris Europe 2016

In Situ // On 9 May 2016, on the occasion of the Europe Day and…

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1 August 2014 – Cagliari

Corps de ville // Closing of the second part of the project (July 24 to…

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CdV 2014 – Pursuit of action

Corps de Ville // We really want to continue this action: not only to go…

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September / October 2013 – Paris

Corps de ville // Following the presentation in June at Lavoir Moderne Parisien we had…

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