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The next performance dates for the company.

11 August

ICI, là-bas // Le Touquet (62) / CA2BM cultural season Kiosk Serges Gainsbourg at 4pm This screening date, planned as part of the CLEA 2020 residency residency in the Syndic Mixte du Montreuillois, has been postponed due to governmental bans.

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30 August

ICI, là-bas // Town hall of the Paris 18th district As part of "Un été animé" - Mairie du 18ème Square Raymond Queneau at 5pm More information : agenda de l'été

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July / August – Touring

ICI, làbas // Kiosques en fête - Paris As part of "Kiosques en fête", a tour of Parisian parks. July 15th - 5pm : Auditorium du Square Saint Lambert - Paris 15 More information July 16th - 5pm : Georges…

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5 june

ICI, làbas // Festival des Murs à pêches - Montreuil Performance of the show "ICI là-bas" as part of the day's programme at the Murs à Pêches, 61 Rue Pierre de Montreuil in Montreuil. Show in 2 parts of 20…

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from 26 April to 21 of May

HERE, over there // Communauté d'agglomération des Deux Baies en Montreuillois A programming as part of the CLEA residency with several performances of the show and performances created in situ at various cultural events. Provisional programming : - April 26th…

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Du 21 au 24 août

ICI - là-bas // Festival International d'Aurillac Lieu : Intersection rue de la Coste / rue de Noailles - Pastille 81 Tous les jours à 19h30 (partie 1) et à 19h55 (partie 2) Soit un total de 8 représentations. Pour…

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9 mars 19

ICI, là-bas // Festival des Féminins Après quelques périodes de résidence entre le CND (Centre National de la danse) et la Salle de l’Ecole de Musique de la Mairie du Prè-Saint-Gervais, ICI, là-bas continu à évoluer : des Petites Formes…

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From 22 to 28 of October, from 5 to 11 & 19 to 20 of November

Settimo san Pietro // Cagliari Artistic Residence - INTERCONNESSIONI " Corpi, spazi, luoghi / Mappatura dell'effimero ". Residence on the territory in relation to the inhabitants: experimentation, exhibitions, meetings, creations, representations.... The company is invited with two projects: "Assolo con…

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June 3

ICI, là-bas // Festival "Entrez dans la Danse" The company presents a first restitution of the project in 30-minute version, Sunday, June 3 at 5pm. Place: Cours Saint Emilion (in front of the FNAC) Metro line 14 / cours Saint…

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